What Is Phra Pidta?
This is the most popular question amongst many Amulet Collectors & Fans of Pidta. Some say it's Maha Thera Sanghachai while some siad that he is a Fighter.. the stories goes on and on. In the 1970s, it was illegal to wear an Amulet of Phra Pidta in Singapore, and negative propoganda was linked upon the holy imge of people who are not familiar with Thai Buddhist Amulets. It was perceived that such an Amulet with such an image was spurring the bearer to commit crimes and yet not be caught, to be involved in fights but yet little or no danger or hurt will be inflicted on the wearer. Despite such allegations, it's mysteriousness and popularity continued to current times. For example, a common piece of Phra Pidta "Bhagawan" consecrated by Tok Raja (Luang Phor Kron) of Wat Bangsaek (Uttamaram), Kelantan, Malaysia can fetch up to the value of one or two million Thai Baht, despite being such an expensive amulet, there are still collectors and fans are still searching and looking to rent (buy) such amulet.
"Phra" means Monk or an Amulet and "Pidta" means closed eyes. The image of this person closing it's face with his palms is a symbolical image of Maha Thera Sanghachai in Sammantha Meditation. In Sammantha Meditation one will go into deep mental absorption, as a result "jhana" will appear.
Usually at high levels of "Jahanas", the Supernormal Powers may develop and occur, like walking through walls or stopping bullet(s) just like in the movie "Matrix Trilogy" acted by Keanu Reeves.
Sammantha Meditation
Most of you are aware that some of the Buddhist monks (Luang Phors, Archans) especially in the deep forests, many of them practices "Sammantha Meditation". It is a rigorous and intensive meditation where they can spend days, weeks or even months in complete solitude. At times, you can't believe the extend of the devotion some of the devotees have, some traveled hundreds of kilometers by road or by plane spending many hours just to bring food and monk's requisites just to wait for the Monk/Ascetic to complete his retreat. In Thailand, the scene is just awesome.. jaw dropping, the forests are filled by many devotees waiting patiently and quietly for the monk to be awaken.. completing his retreat.. and bringing their senses to the material world.Supernormal Feats of Jhana Attainments:
Many of us have heard of strange encounters, most rather unbelieveable stories with regards to Phra Pidta. We will not share them here because we don't want to give people a negative impression in encouraging people or youths to commit crimes.To quote you from the Buddhist Texts, as regards to Super Normal Feats due to Jhana Attainments:
"Having been one, you become many; having been many, you become one; you appear and vanish; you go unhindered through a wall, through a rampart, through mountain as though through space; you dive in and out of the earth as though it were water, you walk on water without sinking as though it were earth; seated cross-legged, you travel in space like a bird; with your hand you touch and stroke the moon and sun so powerful and mighty; you exercise mastery with the body as far as the Brahma world" - Samyutta Nikaya 12.70
The Buddha once came to the River Ganges and some people were and looking for a boat and some were looking for a raft and some were binding together a raft of reeds to get to the other side. The Buddha, as swiftly as a strong man might stretch out his flexed arm or flex it again, vanished from this side of the Ganges and reappeared with his Order of Monks on the other shore" - Digha Nikaya 16.1.33
Perhaps this may explain to you why bearer of an image of sacred Phra Pidta may help a person to avoid danger or at an unfortunate incidents. Of course, Faith plays an important role and is very crucial. In the past, people were simpler in thinking and when they happened to meet a genuine and proper Monk and received a sacred piece of Phra Pidta from the monk's hand. When in times of danger, they undoubtedly heldfast to their Phra Pidta and "Atthitthan" (Make A "Wish"). When such strong Faith and the Sacred Power of the Phra Pidta interwines... Miracles Happened! Nowadays, in the 21st Century, many people are attracted to modern technology, comfortable lifestyles... hence, have little faith to count on their amulets to save their lives....
What Determines The Sacred Energies of a Phra Pidta?
This depends on the "Gaeji" Archan Monk. For example, Tok Raja (Luang Phor Kron), he practises more of KrungKhaPhan (Invulnerability), hence his amulets would be infused with the Power of KrungKhaPhan. And for example, Luang Phor Tok (Toh) of Wat Pradoochimplee, Bangkok, he practices of more on Metta Maha Niyom (Loving Kindness) and MahaLarp (Good Fortune), hence, his Pidtas are infused with such Powers. Of course there are some very well attained Gaeji Monks that can consecrate amulets of any natures intended.Therefore, there's a symbolic meaning in wearing a Phra Pidta infused with Metta Maha Niyom and MahaLarp, that those who wear such Phra Pidtas wherever they go, the wearers will find it easy to secure jobs, easy for find livings and it also will enhance the wearer the ability to attract benefactors that will help the wearers that will help when they are in need.